Yes, kids. You most certainly can lose control of your vehicle on gravel when it's ice-covered.
Ed and I came upon this truck in the ditch as we left our house yesterday. We were only 100 yards from our house and completely unaware that it had just happened. As we slowed down a bit to take a closer look I noticed a tiny flashing light in the window when suddenly a face appeared. There was a fellow still inside! He appeared okay but could not open the door that was now on top of the truck so Ed propped the door open and the guy just tumbled out.
It's enough to say that he was all right but here he was with a trach tube, unable to talk to us, trying to communicate with a pen that wouldn't write that he was sick and wanted us to take him to a house two miles further down the lane. Instead, I stayed on the phone with 911 dispatch until four trucks, our volunteer fire department fire truck, two ambulances and two sheriffs showed up.
Overheard, the fellow was in withdrawal and needed medication.
Lesson 1: he skidded going UPhill so don't assume that you cannot lose control at any speed and in any spot on the road, gravel or not.
Lesson 2: anybody at any time can be coming at you and cross the road, crashing into you or just the ditch.
Lesson 3: stop and help. Next time it might be you.
Lesson 4: slow down. Next time it might be me.