Saturday, February 20, 2016

Soldered glass watercolor pendants . . .

All ready for one of my favorite shows this Sunday.
Art & Soup benefit for the Visiting Nurse Association in Omaha.
I have packed 50+ watercolors and 20+ oil paintings and these.
I had so many little pieces  of watercolor paper left from cutting paper to the right sizes for bigger works that I hated throwing them away.
I started painting these little paintings - 1" square to 3/4"x2" - and suddenly I had a pile.
What to do?
My darling friend Rachel Two Dog Pond gave me a one on one lesson.
Lucky me!
So $200 later for equipment and gorgeous rolo chain, here we are.
Ready for their first showing tomorrow.
Good luck to me!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Before the snow goes away . . .

One last chance to play in the snow before it all goes away.

The Cub on skis

Ed finds the Honda 50 and snow irresistible.
But unmanageable.

Which reminds me of this little beauty from two years ago.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blizzard of 2016 . . .

And the obligatory 'snow pics'
causing so many to post on Facebook that they have snow
where they are, too.
So here you go.
It begins.
No big deal.

Hurry April.