Sunday, June 15, 2014

Shasta time . . .

I dragged the sweet old Shasta out this week for a little spiffing up, scrubbing and dusting and window washing - things I avoid doing in my big house, of course.  Next weekend it goes on a short trip to Seward, Nebraska, so we can use it as our home base while at our aerobatic contest there.

I know I've posted some of this before but holy smokes! I love having this little jewel - like a doll house with just enough room for two.  I have no idea who the four people were that the advertisers thought could share this space well.  I love my husband but he's the only one I could fit in well with.  

I had the pull-out sofa/bed reupholstered last summer and it completed the interior.  Simple in charcoal grey to match the original linoleum in beige, copper pink, turquoise and grey.  Piped the bed in turquoise so it blends with the turquoise bench seats at the dinette.

I sewed the curtains from a vintage-style cotton and pillows in lime with tiny ball fringe and found two little accent pillows (okay, I over-spent on those) for the banquette.

The exterior?  I am leaning toward leaving it as is.  It is faded cream and turquoise and I love it that way.  I see so many Shastas that are painted all "too too cute" and that simply isn't me.  I like the patina of age and the faded outlines of insignia missing.  If anything, I'll have a friend pinstripe the lightning bolt stripe for a bit of zip but going slow and not making radical changes.

Love.  Love.  Love.
Seriously small but how could not love this?

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

I'll take her off your hands when you are done! Love this little thing so much.